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  • Natalie Gagnon

Low FODMAPS Diet: Not all “diets” are for managing weight or physique.

Some diets are simply implemented as a way to manage symptoms and have an enjoyable lifestyle. Someone with diabetes isn’t avoiding chocolate bars because they want to keep a tiny waist, it’s a little more serious than that!

A diet that is less commonly known is called The Low FODMAPS Diet. Along with having Celiac Disease I have an array of GI issues - I for one have been following a Low FODMAP diet for about two years now and I’ve found it’s the only way I can manage my symptoms and not cause harm to my body.

Depending on the GI issues you face, you might be someone that lives with chronic abdominal pain, gas, bloating, diarrhea/constipation, neurological issues, foggy brain, emotional distress, and more. If so, you’ll know it is no fun and it impacts the quality of your life. It’s important to know that ignoring the problem is not going to solve anything.

The textbook definition of FODMAPS refers to Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides and Polyols (sugar alcohols). These are the complex names for a group of molecules (short-chain carbohydrates) found in food that can be poorly absorbed by some people.

The thing about FODMAP’s is that they are found in everyday (including all-natural) foods. Take fruits for example; fruits are amazing and loaded with vitamins. But for someone highly sensitive things like apples, honey, watermelon are definite no-no’s! There are lists and guidelines available of high, moderate, and low FODMAP foods. You can test your threshold for these foods as some you may be able to tolerate in small amounts.

What I would NOT advise is to self-diagnose yourself. By restricting foods that cause no harm you’re missing out on quality source vitamins and minerals along with micronutrients that are naturally found in these foods. Instead, get in tune with your body to see what foods affect you and in what quantities and visit your doctor / naturopath if you are experiencing GI issues.

Natalie Gagnon

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